Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hips Don't Lie

Well, my hips don't lie.  They hurt.  They ache.  They are mad at my rheumatologist. 

Thursday, during my appointment, she decided to give my hips a vigorous exam. 

By 6:30 pm that evening, I put on my pj's and have only been out of them once since! 

I am not going to belabor the pain here though. 

Thank you very much for all your support.  Your comments and emails have meant so much over the last week.  I am determined that this week I will get back to commenting in your journals, too.

Focusing on giving back may help me get through this all! 

Of course, the kids are off Tuesday and I have to go for bloodwork at 8am, making the week interesting!  LOL

Speaking of the kids, they are doing well.  Fuzzy and Pumpkin are both doing great in school.  Hammer is doing well with homeschooling. 

Fuzzy was elected Senior Patrol Leader for his Scout troop.  Basically, he is the head scout and has many responsibilities as such.  He also ran for VP of the Student Council, but he lost to a friend, and was very gracious in defeat.  Good experiences, both.

Can you believe that it will be October this week? 

Wow... the time... she flies...

be well,

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Through the Fire and Flames...

There are a few reasons I haven't posted much... this is one of them.  No one wants to listen to this all the time, I know I don't...

I am just so frustrated with this stupid disease (s). 

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus.

I have this amazing group of people that I email loop with and some of them have been dealing with these diseases, one or both for more than 20 years...  I can't believe they haven't lost their minds after so long... some days I feel like I will. 

The whole low pressure/rain/storm thing combined with the stress of the beginning of school (I guess) sent me into a flare.  I just want it to end and it won't.  I am tired, cranky and in so much pain.  I do take the vicodin... not steadily, but I take them... a half here, a half there, a whole one in the evening... etc.

I am going to see about getting duragesic patches and the voltaren patches when I go to the rheumy tomorrow.  They send the pain meds directly to the source.  If I could kill the pain in my hip, it would be hurts when I sit, stand, lay... ack.

That's another thing... I am DREADING tomorrow. 

Hubby will be with me, which is great, but here is the days schedule:

Drop kids at school at 8am, head immediately into NYC for appt.  After appt head back out (pray no traffic etc) meet kids for 12:30pm dismissal.  4pm, take kids and friends to bowling.  5:30 dinner, then 7pm be back at school for back to school night until 9pm.  ACK.  Somewhere in that break before bowling... I am going to nap.  I hope. 

However, I know that will annoy Hubby.  I just can't win.  Why will it annoy him?  Because he took off the day to be with me for the docs and the kids, and he will selfishly not understand that if I don't get the nap I will fall over.  ACK.

I can't blame him, I wish I were the way I was, too.

Every year it is the same thing... every few months the same battle.  Can I keep doing this?  Yes, of course, I have to... for my kids, if not for myself, but today I am having a big ole PITY PARTY as I contemplate that this is how it has been for years now, and how it will be for the foreseeable future.

I know I have the strength in me somewhere to get thru it and get myself back into a positive frame of mind, but sometimes I am just so tired.

So, all the prayers, kind thoughts, and positive energy you can spare to be sent my way would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading...

be well,

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thankful Thursday

9/11... Never Forget those who died that day.

1.     I am so thankful that my husband came home that horrible day.  (I have recounted my personal experience in past entries for this day, you can read them in my archives...)

2.     I am thankful that although his good friend John did not come home, his girls and wife are doing well.

3.     I am thankful to live in a country where my children school with other children of different races, creeds, and beliefs, and are growing up respectful, tolerant, and full of acceptance.

The qualities needed for PEACE ON EARTH.

4.     I am thankful that my good friends online support me and have missed me lately.  I miss you, too.

5.     I am thankful for all the blessings in my life, there are so many.

At school today, the principal ended his 9/11 tribute with a challenge to the kids.

I present the same to all of you:

Do all the good you can,

By all the means you can,

In all the ways you can,

In all the places you can,

At all the times youcan,

To all the people you can,

As long as ever you can.

be well,

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hi-dee-ho Neighbors!

I wish I was writing to say our laptop was able to be repaired, or that we got a new one... but no dice.

However, my darling kids are settled back at school! 

The summer ended on a high note!  We had my nephew Dill visit for 10 days and it was lots of fun! 

The kids had a constant flow of friends here, and many sleepovers!

Even last weekend, after school started I had 2 spares for most of the weekend!  No complaints!  I adore these kids as if they were my own! 

I am hopeful that soon we will have the good fortune to replace the laptop.  Especially now that the kids need computers for homework so much more than before! 

I am missing you all and I am hoping to start catching up on journals soon.

I am doing well.  It has been a tough few weeks with hurricane remnants wandering through, but I am hoping that after Ike's dregs pass us over the weekend, that we all will be spared any more of that!

May this entry find you all with as many blessings to count as I have in my life...

be well,