Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Mother Daughter Grandma Day of Sharing

Saturday was a special day.

Pumpkin Muffin decided that she was ready.

Twice, since she turned nine, we have made it to the mall and she decided that she was not ready.  This time, I knew she would do it.

Pumpkin Muffin got her ears pierced!  Grandma and I were so proud! 

Pumpkin decided that while daddy was away (who keeps trying to convince her not to do it) it was time.  The holidays are coming and her birthday afterwards, and she wants some earrings!

Although being very nervous, she was determined.  After the first one was in, and a delayed 'Ouch', she steeled herself for number two.  Another exclamation of 'Ouch' and it was all over!

Tears flowed from her eyes, relief that it was over, but she was smiling and laughing.  The best moment for me was yet to come.

Pumpkin got down from the chair and walked to the mirror.

The smile that spread across her face was magical as she looked at her newly bedecked ears with a sense of pride and of course, girly happiness!

That was the best moment for me. 

And then we did what girls like to do after a big life changing moment... we went to lunch to celebrate! 

I was nine when I had my ears pierced.  I had to have it done at the doctor's office at my dad's insistence.  Which meant the old fashioned way of needle and thread!  Yuk!

Hubby was not thrilled at Pumpkin getting her ears pierced either, however, he was resigned to the fact that the day was coming.   We agreed that anytime after her 9th birthday was fine.  To Hubby it represents the first steps toward being a teen, and womanhood.  Neither of which he wants to see happen to his baby girl.  Ah, well, he will just have to cope since we all know that time waits for no one.

Pumpkin's ears getting pierced represents the first tenative steps toward becoming a young woman in my eyes as well.  Instead of being in denial, I choose to hold my Pumpkin's hands and walk side by side with her. 

I hope she continues to want me there every step of the way. 

I don't want it any other way.

be well,



Anonymous said...

dear Dawn,
Ah! A big step for Pumpkin! :):)
I hope that all goes well and that she loves her new birthday earrings! these are very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Aww..  How sweet!!  Girls do grow up fast!!  Your Pumpkin Muffin sure is brave though..good for her!  My daughter wasn't ready to get hers done until she was 16!  I'm sure her daddy will buy her a nice pair of earrings for her birthday!  :)  Julie

Anonymous said...

Dawn i have a question it makes me laugh everytime i see stuff like this where do u come up wit such odd nick names for the kids? lol we have fuzzy pumpkin muffin etc is it from their personalities or what?

Anonymous said...

What a sweet little ear!  I am happy for you both!
loving you

Anonymous said...

very nice:)


Anonymous said...

Dawn, How sweet!!! I got my Gias done on Mothers Day when she was about 11 months old !!

Anonymous said...

Kinda like my first (and last!) tattoo! The first step into that blissful part of life known as "young-adulthood!" Oh, sorry! I ruined a beautiful moment here, didn't I? Well, at least it was an EAR-pierce, instead of lip-and/or navel, or tongue! You'll just have to "overlook" us men!



Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the life step!

Anonymous said...

awww :)
I was 12 when I had mine done so when my daughter turned 12 we went and had it done. My husband was against it too....I think it's because their little girls are growing up and that is hard to handle for dads.
Earring shopping will be fun!


Anonymous said...

I never thought of ear piercing that way! I had mine done when I was seven. I love having pierced ears! My sister, on the other hand, regrets having hers done. I couldn't imagine not having holes in my ears. LOL

I'm glad y'all had a good day!!

Love ya~

Anonymous said...

I guess for young ladies it is a true rite of passage. I'm glad you all shared it together. My Regards, Bill.

Anonymous said...

WTG, Pumpkin.  Aw, she is growing up, isn't she?  My ex was never too thrilled when my girls had their ears pierced.  Becky my oldest was about 9.  Megan, my youngest, of course, was about 5 because she wanted to be like Becky.  Fathers are always a bit skittsy about that stuff.  HUGS Chris

Anonymous said...

Oh I can remember going with my daughter to get hers pierced too.  I was so delayed myself that I had mine done at the same time..LOL...plenty of rubbing acholol in our house for a few weeks!  Sandi

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Pumpkin!  Eler Beth did the same thing; we went, we left, we went, we left; finally she decided it was the day.  And afterwards, well, we had lunch together too, of course.  Daddy's just have to get used to it, don't they?  EB just started having to wear a bra all the time.  Thomas wasn't too thrilled when I got her one and she wore it occasionally, but one day last week when she wasn't wearing one, he took a look at her and said, "Don't you leave the house without one on!"  Ha!

Anonymous said...

I took my 60 something Mother to get her ears pierced 2 years ago....I made sure they would do both at the same time, I let her squeeze the life out of my hands and then they gave her a sticker for being such a brave girl! Then after all she has given me I presented her with her first pair of diamond earrings! God I hope she doesn't want a tatoo after all that! lol lol lol