Thursday, September 7, 2006

Two Words Only

You can only type 2 less.

From Brenda  at  Brenda's Way 

1.yourself: happy smiley

2. your husband: self amused

3. your hair: very long

4. your mother: helpful friend

5. your father: Grumpy helpful

6. your favorite item: laptop computer

7. your dream last night: old boyfriend

8. your favorite drink:  iced coffee

9. your car: perfect suv

10. the room you are in: old kitchen

11. your ex boyfriend: which one?

12. your fear: hurt kids

13. where you want to be in 10 years:  published writer

14. what you're not: super mom

15. your best friends: Kathy Karol

16. one of your wish list items: basement completed

17. the last thing you did: read emails

18. what are you wearing: t-shirt capris

19. your favorite weather: sunny cool

20. your favorate zoo animals? lions tigers

21. your thought for the day? Carpe Diem!!!!

22. your favorite book: too many

23. last thing you ate: bologna plain

24. your life: about others

25. your mood: happy usual

26. your body: needs exercise

27. what are you thinking about right now: tomorrow's sleepover

28. your crush: Brad George ( Pitt, Clooney)

29. what are you doing at the moment: refereeing kids

30. your summer schedule: soon ending

Come on... give it a try!

be well,



Anonymous said...

Here's mine:
Thanks & have a good day!! :)  

Anonymous said...

Please expand on your answer to #7!  :)

Anonymous said...

My two words: Oh my..........


Anonymous said...

31. Over Fed.

32. Old Aged.

33. Tired Assed.

34. Old Fart!

There! Now I feel better, gettin' that off my chest! Oh, I almost forgot:

35. Good Day!

Anonymous said...

Dear Dawn,hugs!
good answers!
give me some time! lol!
love ya, natalie
ps so I know a long haired super writer who loves her parents, her kids and her laptop!:):) o and sspecial coffees!lol

Anonymous said...

LOL...I saw this in Brenda's journal and a few others.  I think it's neat and will give it a shot this weekend.  Loved your answers!  HUGS Chris

Anonymous said...

Great list.  Sorry if my story upset you, I just let my imagination run with the "what if?" and I had put it in a contest on Fanstory.  It was based on the..but for God there go I theory.  I know this is one anniversary we all wish had never happened....Sandi

Anonymous said...

I think you are a super mom; don't short change yourself.

who is Brad George??


Anonymous said...

ooo I love it! Of course your a super mom :)
Thanks for the prayers.


Anonymous said...

#8 was a given and of course you are a supermom!

Anonymous said...

Ok I got a silly question. What does Carpe Deim mean? Really I want to know. I have been reading your j like forever and no flippen clue has to what it means. How goofy am I? LoL

Love your 2 words.


Anonymous said...

Brenda:  Carpe diem is a wonderful phrase, in latin it literally translates as "pluck the day" as in plucking flowers, and over the centuries ppl started saying "Take hold of the day" but mostly we like to say "Seize the day" this used to be my motto in college.  Dawn, I'm love that you use this for your J's name, and I'll try this 2-word quiz tomorrow.  Thanks for sharing, I love #22 !
xoxo CATHY