Friday, May 12, 2006

True or False? Weekend Assignment #111

Weekend Assignment: Present three "facts" about yourself: Two of the facts true, and one of the facts false. Let people guess which "fact" is the fake one. Reveal the fake fact on Monday. You don't want to give away the fake fact too early, so be sure to make it sound plausible, next to the other two real facts.

Extra Credit: Can you lie with a straight face? Really?

This is a good one Mr. Scalzi... you are slick. 

Okay, I hope everyone comments and picks the right one!

1)     I once assisted in a scheduled surgery although I have no nursing or medical degree.

2)     I used to be a surgical photographer.

3)     I have held severed body parts in my hands.  More than once. (by parts I mean, fingers, nose, toes, etc...)

Okay, there you have it....

Two are true... and one is false.  Scary, I know!

Extra credit:  Yes, I can lie. 

Be well,



Anonymous said...

I think #3 is the lie. Because that would be icky!

Anonymous said...

#1 is the lie

betty---who has exciting news; email me to find out
P.S. sorry about your flare

Anonymous said...

Ya know, I should know but I don't....


Anonymous said...

My guesses:  #1 & #3 are true, #2 is a bold face lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :)  JK.  I actually believe them all, but then I am gullible.  Ask Celeste.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

#1 is the lie

Anonymous said...

#1 Is a lie


Anonymous said...

I'll go with #1, as I'd sue everyone in town if a phorographer was allowed to help in the operation.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope number 1 is the lie!!! I'd hate like hell to have that happen to me.

Anonymous said...

I think number two is a lie. Based on the fact that you say you can lie, you could have assisted in your own surgery in some way, and severed body parts is vauge. Is hair or fingernails considered a body part? Anyways mabey I am totaly off base here. check out mine. I am new to this blog thing and I hope you can find mine. I don't what the link is. under journals i guess

Anonymous said...

I've done 1 and 3 so I'll pick #2 as the fib. Regards, Bill.

Anonymous said...

There was a big stink a few years ago when it was discovered that pharmaceutical and medical appliance reps (read "salesmen") often were allowed to poke around during surgery.  So I doubt that any hospital would be willing to risk it any more.  So if #1 is true, it wasn't lately.  (Or else it was a vet's office?)

Having said that, I'm picking #3 as the lie anyway.  Why?  Because I'm contrary.

Mine, if you'd like to take a whack at it, is at


Anonymous said...

i'm guessing #2 is the lie based on a year's worth of surveys ... lol can't wait to find out!  will play along tomorrow in my journal :)  luvs,

Anonymous said...

#2 is the lie.



Anonymous said...

I'm guessing #2 is the fib.  Hmmm... Interesting. LOL  Have a lovely weekend, honey!  xox

Anonymous said...

I'll say #1 is the lie. As for #3 well, haven't most of us held those body parts in our hands? You didn't say they weren't attached to the body.

Anonymous said...

OK, I kept reading it several, not severed! I'll go with #1.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Think I've been here before...but thought I'd drop by & see how you are? Mothers Day weekend, any plans?
Drop by my journal when you get time & email me anytime you'd like! I hope to inspire, send a little cheer, & be there for others! ;0)



Anonymous said...

Oh My! yuo really stumped me girlfriend!
I had to go read everybody's comments before I could wing it!
Dianna thinks yuo wouldnt assist wihtouta degree good point Dianna! whew(wiping the swaet off my brow! I'll go wiht that one! lol love,natalie

Anonymous said...

Eeek...  I'm guessing #2 is false.  Julie

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... this is a tough one.  But ... I am gonna go with number one.  I think ... lol     Tina

Anonymous said...

#1...I say...#1. ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

what in the hell is a surical photograper?    BUT I THINK THE FIRST ONE IS FALSE

Anonymous said...

WHile they're all plausible, #1 is the least plausible of the bunch. Nice job.


Anonymous said...

I guess #2, I mean #1, no ... I'll go with #2.  Heck, I don't know!  LOL


Who I am… underneath it all:

My Spiritual Journal:

Anonymous said...

Since #3 would make me hurl rockets, just the thought of it gives me the dry heaves, I'll say 3.

Anonymous said...

uh....Im going to go with number 2 Surgical Photographer. Never heard of that before lol
