Monday, June 5, 2006

10 thing that make you say "Life is Good'!


Charley over at Courage has been tagging people for a fun meme...

List 10 things that make you think "Life is Good"! 

And, even though he didn't tag me, I can't resist!

1.     My kids ( you knew that was going to be #1, didn't you?)

2.     My hubby (okay, sometimes he falls under the 'things that make you want to scream' category, but mostly not!)

3.     My parents ( I am very lucky to have my parents living with us and they are a HUGE help)

4.     My pets (the fur babies and the comfort they give, especially on my bad days, are treasures in my life)

5.     My computer and the internet ( being able to connect with others that homeschool, deal with Asperger's/Autism and Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus, has been a huge benefit and gift for me )

6.     Coffee  ( thank God for the first South American or African indegenous people that poured some hot water over crushed beans )

7.     Books ( I think I would lose my mind if not for all the exciting novels I read!  And, I love to learn )

8.    Making Jewelry ( I love my new hobby... very zen like...and the act of creating something from parts is very rewarding )

9.     Television  ( I love certain shows as much as reading! Sopranos, Greys Anatomy, CSI, Criminal Minds, Survivor, just to name a few )

10.     KC Masterpiece BBQ Potato Chips ( guilty pleasure...that actually represents all the sinful foods that one can enjoy! )

My dear annoying daughter keeps yelling 'Pierogis' at me because she loves them so much it apparently rocks her world.  I think they would be very close to #1 on her list, knocking her parents and siblings even further down.  Dang. 

Actually, Pumpkin has just confirmed that yes, in fact, her ENTIRE list would be all food items.

Gotta love that kid....

I tag Dianna, Luanne, Gem,and the Other Dawn!

Be well,


Anonymous said...

Dawn asks: List 10 things that make you think "Life is Good"!
1) Finally, after all these years, finding my soulmate.
2) Hot, romantic sex with said soulmate. (Wink Wink)
3) My kitten - Chaos:) She's a cutie!!!
4) My mom and dad; the world's greatest parents!
5) Life is good when you are not a clone; when you don't feel it's necessary to agree with the masses.
6) A really good book or an interesting conversation.
7) Going shopping for clothes and shoes!!! And buying one of everything in each color!!!
8) Visualizing the day when I will have the job I want - and deserve!
9) Visualizing the house I want and how I plan to decorate.
10) Life is good and at it's best when I see loving gestures of any kind.
You know, I really didn't think I could do this but I actually could go on and on and on! LOL

Anonymous said...

C'mon, girl! It's a MONDAY, for heavens' sake! How about makin' it easy on us, and settle for FIVE things that make you say "Life is Good?" Give this "old fart" a "senior discount!"

Anonymous said...

very good list :) enjoy the week


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with most.  My kids; definitely #1.  My ex, oh well, I didn't choose so well on that one but I love to hear of those with wonderful hubby's.  My PC...5:00 am and here I sit with my coffee (also on my list) and getting a few minutes of surfing in before I leave for work.  And my always pose for my pics in my journal...gotta love em; especially my Grizzly who follows me everywhere.  HUGS  Chris

Anonymous said...

Great answers Dawn!!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Good entry...except I would pass on the chips. But hey if they make you happy. Hooah!!


Anonymous said...

I agree with all of your "Top Ten" - except the Coffee one - but that would be easily replaced with "Rice Krispies Treats" on mine! I may be 27 - but I'll remain with the maturity of a 12 year old till the day I die! :)

Anonymous said...

Dawn,  I like your top ten.  Nice journal.  I'll be back for a visit again.  David

Anonymous said...

I saw this at Charley's journal too..funy I was gonna just do it even without being tagged..thank you for tagging me, I feel sooo loved LOL! (really I do LOL!)
will do this soon!
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

Pierogis, Pierogis, Pierogis!!!!!!  Do you make your own? Regards, Bill

Anonymous said...

Dearest Dawn,
Heyheyhey! great list!
you did it!
thanks and whata wonderful one! I never knew your parents were there; I did know you loved your family so much:) and that yuo loved booksa nd jewelry!
ps I just hope that the rest of us on the computer fit in somewhere too!(hoping)