Saturday, January 20, 2007

Thankful Saturday, because it is never too late to be Thankful

I have missed you all so much and have so much to share!

Since I missed Gretchen's Thankful Thursday, I am here today with Thankful Saturday.

1)    I am thankful that the kids are no longer sick. <<knocking wood furiously>>

2)    I am thankful that although I got sick with the stomach virus, it could have been much worse.

3)    I am very thankful for all the babying that my Hubby did for me while I was sick.  He went out to get ginger ale and stirred all the bubbles out, made me pastina and broth when nothing else would stay down, and just generally tried to make me comfy while the virus ran its course.

4)    I am thankful for
Paul and his friendship and his compassion.  Please read his entry that featured me a bit - Brother, can you spare a spoon? Thank you again, Paul.  You rock! 

5)    I am thankful that I am blessed in so many other ways that it lightens the load of having a chronic illness.

There you have it... this weeks thankful list.

I will be back to give you all a bigger update later.

be well,

ps... link to the Spoons Theory on my lowest sidebar!     

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Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery, Dawn. Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

glad you are feeling better:) enjoy your weekend:)


Anonymous said...

Everyone is feeling better...that's good news. It is so nice to know that there are families out there who truly ENJOY each other. You guys rock.--Cin

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your over that bug, there's been a lot if it here too.

Another thing to be thankful for. We can already see the days are getting longer, instead of my chickens going up to bed at 3.30pm they are now going way after 4pm.

Linda x.

Anonymous said...

Glad your feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Dawn dear, I went and read Paul's entry.  He really did 'get it', didn't he?  So few do.  I am glad you had some good nursing help from your DH while you were sick and so thankful you are feeling better!
loving you

Anonymous said...

Aw, Dawn, that was so sweet of Paul.  BTW:  I've heard of that spoon theory and think it's a great way to describe lupus.  Dang, I forgot all about thankful Thursday so I'm going to have to do one today.  Glad you and the kids are feeling better.  HUGS  Chris

Anonymous said...

I am playing catch-up (finally) and I think this is my favorite entry ever!  You know how to bring it home for me and re-open my eyes to what is important.  Glad you're feeling better!  


Anonymous said...

Those are great things to be thankful for and I'm glad that you all are starting to feel better :)
Thanks for putting my link in your journal :)


Anonymous said...

Just a note: Be aware that is now a blog, and the 'Spoon Theory' article is not as readily apparent as it once was. Readers may have to search for it. Check the link in my article for the direct link to it.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine has Lupus and one of her leg's is an inch shorter too. Just to hear her describe what it takes for her to sit in front of the computer for an hour,  sometimes leaves me speechless. Its like there is this physical price or cost just to do the minimal...You, her and anyone else who suffers like this has my awe, loaded with admiration. ~Raven

Anonymous said...

Dawn I wanted to add this link...Do check out the research on Lupus too.