Thursday, August 25, 2005

Wants and Desires...Weekend Assignment #74

Weekend Assignment #74: Forget about the things you need -- Tell us about something you want.

What I want...hmmm, a totally frivolous desire???

It would have to be my own, just mine, not to share with kids or hubby laptop computer with all the bells and whistles. 

You know the one I mean.  The super light, super big screened has every pre-loaded software you could want, the fastest, mostest memory, easy to use, wireless internet fun box of love!!!!  YES!!  YES!!!!

Okay, a bit carried away there with the pleasure of it all. 

That is it.  That is what I want.  Can't afford it, won't be getting it probably ever, but that is probably the one totally selfish thing I want, just for me.  Yeah, I guess selfish implied that already, but it doesn't hurt to reiterate that point.

Be well,




Anonymous said...

wow thats not a big want girl. dell is getting cheaper on you may get it one day

Anonymous said...

Marry dumb....they bother you for nothing more than the weather and the All Metallica AOL Radio channel. I could leave my completed Christmas list on Word for all of December (if I ever finished that early)....and it'd be like locking it in a vault.

Anonymous said...

My totally frivolous desire? Two hours more in the day that was just for me; no one else awake; just a quiet house to read the Bible, pray, sit quietly without having to know I have to be some place else at a designated time. Two hours totally mine....................................

BTW, you were right. Martha designed the bedroom; George did the rest of the house. Its obvious, too, after you tour the house and study the rooms.

Thanks for stopping by my journal!


Anonymous said...

Well, I actually have my very own computer, but I had to wait until I was 50 to get it, so .... hope you dont have to hold out as long  !!   Tina

Anonymous said...

Okay, this is what I want too.  


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a really good idea.
Not even frivolous considering your talent for writing!
Have a beautiful weekend, Dawn.
With Love,

Anonymous said...

HEY DAWN..I SECOND THAT..i want me a computer with a BIG SCREEN and it have it all BLACK!!! OH

Anonymous said...

To be totally loved and accepted by a loving, carring woman.............
To be accepted for who I am........
To be hugged when I am lonely
To be kissed when I am feeling down
And to Hold Hands

Anonymous said...

I want a theater of my own LOL!!! ok...60" TV would do! LOL!!
Gem :-)